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New Meetup: Is Journalism in a state of disgrace?

From: Todd K.
Sent on: Thursday, July 1, 2010, 3:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Deep Thinkers!

What: Is Journalism in a state of disgrace?

When: Sunday, July 11,[masked]:30 AM

Dinah's Family Restaurant
6521 S Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045

There has been much discussion over the recent Rolling Stone article on General McChrystal, leading to his dismissal as the top commander in Afghanistan. But it laid bare a long-simmering debate over the coziness of professional journalists with their sources. Here is Lara Logan's criticism of the McChrystal article on CNN, and fellow Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi's blog response to Logan:
Lara Logan on CNN (courtesy of The Huffington Post)

Matt Taibbi's blog response

And just this week, the NY Times admitted that it stopped calling waterboarding torture after prompting from the Bush administration.

Other examples include Bill Clinton's dalliances, MLB's steroid use, and WMDs in Iraq. Now that bloggers and other "citizen journalists" have become a force to be reckoned with, threatening traditional journalists beyond just the decline of newspapers, is the public beginning to realize that we have been getting selective information in the news? What sources do you trust? How can traditional journalists improve and regain your trust?

Here's a terrific bit from NPR's On The Media about reporters getting cozy with their sources.

We'll try a Sunday breakfast at Dinah's in west LA. It'll be a new venue for us, but a culinary institution and worthy of a try - and it's right off the 405!

I hope you can join us!


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