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Re: [skeptics-192] This Saturday's Meetup at The Farmer's Market - update

From: Gary H
Sent on: Thursday, May 12, 2016, 8:21 PM

I want to attend  this. I'm especially interested in the the documentary film, "Brainwashing Of My Dad". The theme is of great interest to me..

I'm having some renovation done on my apartment (against my wishes!) Saturday and I don't how long that will take. But I think I will have time to get there a little before 4 PM. 

Thank you, 

Gary H. 
North Hollywood. 

-- -- -- 
 posted by Gary in the Valley.

On Mon, 5/9/16, Todd Koerner <[address removed]> wrote:

 Subject: [skeptics-192] This Saturday's Meetup at The Farmer's Market - update
 To: [address removed]
 Date: Monday, May 9, 2016, 1:08 PM
 The plan is to screen the
 documentary, 'The
 Brainwashing Of My Dad', at 4 PM, then have a Skype
 discussion with the filmmaker, Jen Senko, immediately
 afterward. Remember that you can purchase food at any of the
 providers on the premises.
 Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see
 you there. You can park at The Farmer's Market for
 two-hours free with a validation. More information here.
 Oh, and please RSVP. It is very helpful.
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 Koerner from Deep
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