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What we’re about

We created the Denver Media Professionals group for three primary reasons:
1. To learn
2. To share
3. To network

We think people in the following groups would benefit from the Denver Media Professionals meetup group:

• Video and film maker (producers, directors, directors of photography, grips, gaffers, etc.)

• Audio (boom operators, sound engineers, score creators, Adobe Audition, Audacity, etc.)

• Motion Graphics (Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, etc.)

• Colorists (Adobe Speed Grade, Davinci Resolve, etc.)

• Writers (scripts, screen plays, etc.)

• Graphic artists (story boards, typography, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, etc.)

• Photographers (Adobe Photoshop, HDR photography, Adobe Lightroom, etc.)

• And, pretty much anyone else associated with the film and video industry in the Denver metro and State of Colorado area

Each of our meetings will include an educational topic as well as networking. The educational topic could be a quick rundown on a new cool piece of gear. Maybe it’s a tutorial on how to write a better script for a 30 second commercial. Or, we might talk about why a DSLR is a better choice in some circumstances.

Those are just three of about a 100 ideas we came up with when we originally discussed starting the group. We’re hoping to get your feedback on topics you want to cover as well.

Here’s the cool part, we really want guest speakers to help provide training, tutorials, or just great information. We can’t do it all ourselves and the group is much smarter than just a few individuals.

Send us an email with your great ideas about things we should cover. Or, send up details on topics you might like to present on.