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Denver Dads Group Website, The National At Home Dad Convention, and creating local chapters

From: Christopher V.
Sent on: Monday, June 9, 2014, 11:07 PM


Some big things happening!



The City Dads Group website is live.  Check it out. We are listed with the eleven City Dads Groups and more exciting things are coming.

A small number of dads from the various City Dads Groups are in Washington DC at the White House for the Working Families Summit and are being highlighted in various media around the country for father's day, promoting involved and engaged fatherhood.  (Check the Wall Street Journal in a couple days.  You might see me and my kid.)

Basically, we're becoming THE place for dads to find each other for support, advice, and (lets face it) a conversation with an adult...



The convention is about four months away!   It will be held at the CU Denver Auraria Campus on September 19-20 and we need help!   We are looking for dads to help coordinate the service project this year.

The Denver Dads Group is also hosting our Dads Night Out and we are looking for all hands on deck.

If you can help, you can contact me or the NAHDN President, Al Watts ([address removed]).



It was recently pointed out to me that I am not the only person who finds the sprawl of Denver frustrating and often downright infuriating.

I know it's often tough to make a meet-up in Centennial when you live in Broomfield or to get from Highlands Ranch to northeast Commerce City.  (It took me three hours to make that drive after the Elephant and Piggy event.  Not kidding.)  Many of our meet-ups have been scheduled to take place in areas that are fairly central to Denver, but this can often be tough.  Although I am looking at setting up events in all areas, mainly so I can meet as many of you as possible on your own turf, I don't know your neighborhoods like you do.

So, after an email from one of our own, I'm hoping you can help me, this group, and each other.  Something our friends in the NYC Dads Group suggested was to have some of you be in charge of areas of town and set up meet-ups where you are.

I have been suggesting all of you set up meet ups of your own, but what I've really been asking is for you to invite us to visit your turf.  So, I'd like to create chapters.  We have 225 of us and growing, spread all across this city.  You may have a member who is blocks away and thinking, "Do I really want to load up and go to City Park?"  And he, like you, really just wants to hit the play place down the street.

So, set it up.  This is YOUR group.   You have lots of resources at your disposal here and 225 other guys who just want to talk to other dads and find fun things for their kids to do.

And, as I told another dad, post the meet-up.  If no one shows, post it again the next week.  If no one shows, post it again and contact me.  I'll come with my kid and I'll also bombard this group with the meet up information.

The name at the top is Denver Dads Group, but it's really the Denver Dads, Aurora Dads, Littleton Dads, Lakewood Dads, Boulder Dads, Ft. Collins Dads, Colorado Springs Dads, Highlands Ranch Dads, Thornton Dads, Northglenn Dads, Commerce City Dads, Parker Dads, Centennial Dads...  I know I missed some, but you get the point.

Reach out.

Post the meet up.

It's your group.

If you have questions or need help, reach out to the organizers and we will be more than happy to help.

As always, remember to join the Denver Dads Group facebook group and follow our twitter feed.



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