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Denver Dads Group Goes National!

From: Christopher V.
Sent on: Monday, July 21, 2014, 9:37 AM

Going National with City Dads Group


Dads: You’ve come a long way with your babies.

Dads and isolation don't mix.  That's the basic premise behind the Denver Dads Group.  We are currently 225+ fathers strong.  Over the last year we've been connecting with dads groups across the country and the concept is now national with the recent launch of City Dads Group and its national website.

With outposts in 11 U.S. cities, including our  Denver Dads Group, City Dads Group is a dynamic and diverse community of fathers navigating parenthood together that lets dads socialize and support one another. City Dads help fathers, online and in real life:

  • Support each other’s efforts to be the best father and parenting partner they can
  • Share their parenting perspectives, knowledge and experiences – good and bad – with each other and those who care about them
  • Demonstrate the new reality of parenting includes caring and capable fathers who are actively involved in the upbringing of their children

The new website,, supports these objectives by:

  • Putting every city group’s many Meetup events in one location that is easily sorted by location and date
  • Housing our award-winning blog filled with tales of fatherhood that give you food for thought, inspiration or a chuckle – sometimes all three.
  • Hosting The Modern Dads Podcast with experts in parenting, work-life balance and more.

Our Denver Dads Group is here to stay, but now with even more resources throughout the U.S. that can offer support, information and good times if your move or when you travel.

Follow City Dads Group on  these social media

Please visit, bookmark and subscribe to our new City Dads Group site and all it’s social media features (links below).

Facebook Twitter Website Instagram Google+

Help us grow City Dads Group

If you know dads in Albuquerque, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Denver, Philly, Indy, LA, NYC, or San Francisco, send them to our Cities Page so they can meet other dads in their area.





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