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What we’re about

Vad gör vi? 

Vi på Design Lab Sweden genomför kostnadsfria inspirerande öppna workshops. Dessa riktar sig till kreatörer, designers och konstintresserade. Hos oss finner alla en plats där man samlas och gör saker tillsammans i flera olika teman i workshopform.


Design Lab Sweden och Stockholm Läns Museum - Slöjd Sthlm

Design Lab Sweden är en ideell organisation som arbetar för att stimulera designintresse och utveckling inom form & design i Sverige. Vi som driver DLS är volontärer och studerar inom konst & design. 


Olika gästföreläsare vid varje tillfälle 


What we do?

We at Design Lab Sweden carry out free of charge inspirational workshops. These are aimed at creators, designers and artists. With us you will find a place where you can gather and do things together in several different workshop themes.


Design Lab Sweden and Stockholms läns Museum - Crafts Sthlm

Design Lab Sweden is a nonprofit organization that works to stimulate design interests and development in form & design in Sweden. We are based in Stockholm.

We who run DLS are volunteers, young professionals and students in art and design.

We are based in Stockholm.

-Our Lab meetings are twice a month. Every other Tuesday -

This group is for you.... 

Who have/are a passionate creative heart, designer, Illustrator etc…. 

Who want to keep inspired 

Who want to share his/her knowledge with other creatives

Who know that our field keeps updating all the time 

Who want to share ideas & connect with new creators. 

We meet every other Tuesday 18:30 - 21:30



Stay tuned! 

Design Lab Sweden Website on construction