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New Meetup: Sangria "Tastes of Spain" in Royal Oak

From: Andrew W.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 10:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Detroit International Social Meetup!

What: Sangria "Tastes of Spain" in Royal Oak

When: December 2,[masked]:00 PM

Sangria Tapas Cafe
401 S Lafayette Ave
Royal Oak, MI 48067

We've gone to Sangria before, and there were two tapas meetups in August when I was gone, but I think it's time for another one. There's a good variety of small plates, and as before I'd love to go in on a vegetarian paella if others are up for it.

A note: last time, they wouldn't split the bill for us, but we worked it out pretty easily. I find it's better to split and share dishes, cause that way you get the variety.

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