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What we’re about

The development producers group is a social networking community for professionals working in television,  Media & the Movie industry

We have guest speakers who are commissioning editors, executive producers, managing directors or involved in TV & film Production.

Not only is this group an opportunity to network and make new connections, it is also a fun and enjoyable night. Also it will be very informative for your continuing endevours in your field.


Who should join?

Anyone working in the television & Film industry are welcome to join, especially if they are currently in research and development or want to move into this field. One  focus is on television development - creating new show ideas for factual, entertainment, documentaries, reality, arts, comedy and so on.

I will make every effort to make sure that the advertised speakers will appear, but there will be occasions when speakers change or cancel at the last minute. The speakers are all industry heavyweights and therefore I can only apologise but I can't be held responsible if they change at the last minute.
