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What we’re about

Dharma Buddies is a Buddhist oriented meditation and discussion group for gay, bisexual, and transgender men and gender nonconforming people in the Seattle area and beyond. We are a diverse group with a wide range of backgrounds and experience with Buddhist teachings. We endeavor to practice deep listening and mindful speech as we share insights and discuss questions relative to our lives as gay, bi and trans Buddhists. We welcome anyone on a spiritual path including curious beginners and seasoned practitioners. More details are available on our meditation opportunities webpage and our event calendar.

We currently meet via Zoom every Sunday at 11:00 am for meditation and facilitated discussion.

We also are meeting in person at 11 AM on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month.

We can do a much better job of staying in touch with you and getting your feedback if you subscribe to our direct emails.

As a small group, we may sometimes drop the ball in responding to communications via Meetup. A more reliable way to get in touch is via email at

The Lotus Insight Sangha ( is another option for Seattle area individuals who identify as lesbian, bi, gay, trans, gender non-conforming, or non-binary.