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What we’re about

Divorce Options explains the legal, financial, family and personal issues of divorce in a logical, yet compassionate way. With the guidance of a team of legal, financial and mental health professionals, workshop participants gain a greater understanding of the confusing and overwhelming divorce process options. Divorce Options provides explanations of the differences between self representation, mediation, collaborative divorce and litigated divorce. Issues of timing, legal fees, child custody, child/spousal support and property are also discussed. A divorce financial specialist covers many of the financial issues that are present in most divorces. Topics include gathering financial information, dividing property, real estate issues and tax consequences of divorce. A mental health professional discusses the emotional aspects of divorce and the impact of divorce on children, as well as how to tell children about the divorce.
The seminar is typically held once a month: the second Wednesday of the month from 3 pm until 6 pm, depending on the number of questions people have.
Please Note: All meetings are currently on zoom.