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What we’re about

Complete beginners; people from other strands of Buddhism; enlightened masters; those who are simply curious about meditation-- our zendo welcomes all. We sometimes get twenty+ people show up, we sometimes get only four. On average we get around 6 ~ 12 people attending, which includes regulars and sometimes a couple through Meet-up too. We are an international Zen Buddhist group that has been meeting weekly in the middle of Tokyo on Saturdays for many years. Our main practice is zazen meditation, but we also have lectures by our teachers Peter Rocca and Gerhard Wolfram (and sometimes Oli) where we look at Zen Buddhist philosophy together. It's a relaxed atmosphere. We don't use a kyosaku (the stick you get hit with). Meetings are in English. Discussion and questions are encouraged. There are no fees for the Saturday meetings. We also occasionally go to temples on long holiday weekends for some short retreats, which cost accordingly. Welcome!