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A message from your President (Please Read)

From: Jeff L.
Sent on: Thursday, May 11, 2017, 10:44 PM

Dear Members of Down East Cyclists, During the past few weeks I have been in discussions with MCCS Camp LeJeune over our status as a Private Organization authorized to operate on board base. It is this very agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) that has allowed us to build, maintain and hold special events at the Henderson Pond bike trail. We are required every year to review and renew this MOU in order to remain as an active organization on base. This year MCCS has added verbiage to the new MOU as follows: "5.2.15. Ensure the membership of the PO understands and acknowledges the potential for personal liability on behalf of the PO members, as determined by Federal and/or State law, if the DEC's assets are insufficient to discharge club liabilities." When I asked for a clarification of this new paragraph I was sent the following: "It is also possible that a claim made in reference to an injury incurred on the bike trail may become the responsibility of the DEC club members. The DEC assets are the first assets used to satisfy the liability, but the assets of the members may also come into play." In a nut shell, anyone getting hurt on the bike trail could potential sue the entire club membership for damages! I and your club officers could not in good conscience agree to such a change in our agreement with the base and replied as follows: "Due to the nature of Down East Cyclists relationship with MCB Camp LeJeune and your unwillingness to see how that unique relationship differs from other PO on base, we must decline to sign off on the new MOU as written and terminate DEC's status as a PO aboard MCB CL. You say these new requirements apply to all PO on base but I challenge you to find any organization who has built a recreational resource like the Henderson Pond
Bike Trail that is open to all base personnel and their guests. You have made this MOU completely unreasonable by trying to make DEC and its members "personally liable" for any injuries occurring on a trail we have no access control over. By including the bike trail into our PO MOU you have also terminated our original MOA with MCB CL and DEC will no longer maintain the Henderson Pond Bike Trail."
It is now MCCS's plan to shut down the Henderson Pond Bike trail! I have been the President of DEC from 2002 to 2008 and 2010 to present, cycling has been and will continue to be my passion, but I'm tired of fighting battles and this one has broke my heart. Effective immediately I am resigning as DEC President, your Vice President, Jerry Collins, has agreed to take over and will serve till normal election take place in December, Peter McKinney has agreed to serve as Vice President. I will see you on the road/trail, bike on! Jeff LeBlanc