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What we’re about

Membership is limited and member dues are required.

Who We Are & Where We Play:

We're avid mid- and low-handicap coed golfers who regularly play 18-hole courses together. We enjoy spending time with friends and good people. We LOVE golf and enjoy our friendships! We play year-round and regularly have several outings per month at a variety of courses all over the San Francisco Bay Area.


Everyone is encouraged to mix it up and play with someone new so that everyone has a chance to play with different members and get to know one another. Depending on the event or outing, we may group golfers according to handicap brackets for pace of play reasons.

Post-Round Activities:

Post-round drinks and food at a local restaurant or at the clubhouse. We value our friendships as much as our love for the game, but post-round socialization is optional.

Membership Policies:

• Membership Application & Member Profiles:  You must maintain a clear and recognizable facial picture of yourself as your group profile picture and you must use your first name. Please join us at a regular group outing within one month of membership approval so that we get to know you as a member and you get the opportunity to meet the group as well. Once you've paid your annual member dues, your membership and application process is finalized. There are no refunds after your member dues have been paid.

• Attendance Requirements:  As we regularly play 18-hole courses together, ideal members are those who frequently play with the group at our regular outings. Select events may be for regular attendees only as a reward for their active participation in the group. Minimal members (1 or fewer regular group outings per ~6 month period) and non-participants are subject to removal from the group, which will allow more room to our regularly attending members for limited-access special events. Tournaments, special events including GM MFAD events or NCGA Member Outings, and travel do not count toward meeting the minimal member  attendance requirement. 

• RSVP & Cancellation Deadlines:  Keep your RSVP status updated. All details including cancellation deadlines are posted on each event page. 

• Single/Twosome Vouchers or Deals:  Let members know your situation or plan. Please mention when you RSVP if you've purchased a twosome voucher/deal or are looking to share on someone else's purchase. If you missed out after they're sold out, either find someone who purchased a twosome or check if rack rate is available.

• Late Cancellations:  If you need to cancel after the posted deadline, contact me with your cancellation reason and update your own RSVP. Your absence will be considered a no-show unless you provide a valid explanation before the event. Members who no-show or last-minute cancel are subject to removal from the group.

About Me:

I host Drive Fore Birdies out of my own free time. Membership dues cover what Meetup charges me to host the group on their platform. 

• Drive Fore Birdies organizer & host

• started Drive Fore Birdies in 2016, started playing golf in 2016

• 1st place winner at Monarch Bay's 2018 coed individual match play tournament, so they've given me the nicknames Champ and Queen

• 1st place winner for women's longest drive and 2nd place winning coed team in randomly drawn 4-person scramble at Half Moon Bay 2019

See you soon on the golf course!
