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What we’re about

++ SUMMARY ++ <br>'Dublin Caving Group' meets on the FIRST Wednesday of each month in 2020 at 9pm UPSTAIRS in the LORD EDWARD PUB (opp. Christchurch Cathedral). We also meet at the monthly "Social & SRT Meetup" hosted by the Speleological Union of Ireland at Dublin Climbing Centre, Tallaght. More information about that can be found at or on the "events" page

We go on a caving trip on the 2nd weekend of each month. Check our FACEBOOK page for latest information:

Come along to the pub if you want to come on a trip. (New meetings will probably not be posted here first.) <br>

Note: Some of us also go to the same pub at 9pm each Wednesday, so if you can't come on the first Wednesday, some along on another Wednesday.

++ WHO CAN COME? ++ <br>- *Anyone* aged 18-90. <br>- Beginners are welcome and ex-cavers who want to 'get back into it'. <br>- BUT everyone who wants to go on a trip *MUST* come to a pre-expedition meeting. No show, no go! <br>

++ HOW DOES IT WORK? ++ <br>- We generally drive up-and-down to Co.Clare or Co.Fermanagh in 1 day, or staying overnight in hostel-style accomodation. <br>- We leave about 9am and are back at about 8pm. <br>- Lots of experienced guides to hand. <br>

++ WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING? ++ <br>- A pair of rubber-wellies, some thick socks, some warm, old clothes (tracksuit), a towel, a change of clothes &amp; some gardening gloves. <br>- All safety gear provided, incl helmets, lamps, first-aid, etc.

++ HOW DO I SIGN UP? ++ <br>- Leave a message here. <br>- Come to a pre-expedition meeting, <br>- Or contact: -or- -or-
