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Re: [Dublin-Film-Makers] Remember to read "It's A Wonderful Death"

From: user 2.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 3:01 PM
Hello all,

Apologies for not being more clear in my original message. I was addressing only those members who already have access to our shared folder in Dropbox. Members are only invited to join the Dropbox folder once they've attended 2 or 3 meetings and shown a genuine interest in participating and continuing on with the group. This measure is taken to reassure the writers, producers and directors in the group that their scripts and project documents are only available to trusted members and that their intellectual property is not at risk e.g. someone taking a copy of a script and taking it elsewhere as their own.

As a note to all writers, remember to include a copyright footer on every page and export your script as a read-only PDF. This can be done by changing the preferences of the PDFmaker before exporting: go to the "Security" tab and tick the box to "Restrict editing and printing of the document." You should allow printing, but disallow changes and copying. This will ensure your script is accessible and readable, but that it cannot be altered.

Thanks and kind regards,

On 29 February[masked]:22, meraj abid <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey Naill,
I have dropbox access but how could I read script I am Planning to attend meeting and could meet other people I am new in group would you please help me out 
Meraj Abid 
[address removed] 

From: Birgitta <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2012, 16:04
Subject: Re: [Dublin-Film-Makers] Remember to read "It's A Wonderful Death"

How do we find the script to read? Could you cross over from the other side and email it to me. I may be abloe to make the meet only for
21.30pm perhaps? I hope that is nopt too late to join in? 

           Greetings from newcomer                                                                                                                       Birgitta M Mundy
Hi folks,


Just a quick reminder for anyone who has Dropbox access, and is planning to attend tomorrow's meeting, it would be very helpful for you to have read Paul's and Pat's script "It's A Wonderful Death" beforehand.

Best regards,

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Birgitta M Mundy

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To learn more about Birgitta , visit his/her member profile
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To learn more about meraj abid, visit his/her member profile

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