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Re: [ruby-81] Materials from last night's presentation on AWS

From: James A.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 4:30 PM
Great job last night Tim.  Sorry I had to run early.  Are you using the RightScale Ruby Gem, out of curiosity?

My Company wrote it.

We are always looking for more Ruby Rockstars too if you know of or are interested. 

Thank you. 


Jim Ash

ELC Technologies
1921 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Jones <[address removed]>

Date: Wed, 19 Dec[masked]:18:30 
To:[address removed]
Subject: [ruby-81] Materials from last night's presentation on AWS


Code, slides, and list of resources are available at https://­/#stuff.

Hope you find it useful.


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