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Re: [ruby-81] Re: experience...?

From: Billy
Sent on: Friday, July 5, 2013, 12:13 PM
Brian is one of the reasons I absolutely loathe bay area recruiters.   I responded to a Craigslist posting that made it appear as if it was the company doing the posting. It said things like "contact the hiring managers at job xyz by clicking this link" and in the end it wound up in Brian's mailbox. The posting did not properly identify him as a third party and I felt it was very shady for him to do that. Here is my reply to him:

"Your Craigslist post did not properly identify that you were a recruiter or else I would not have submitted my information to you. Failing do to so is ethically ambiguous at best, and at worst is a violation of the Craiglists recruiter guidelines ( Please erase my information from your records and do not contact me again. Thanks."

If you're reading this Brian, check your mail on 10/19/09.

On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Jeanine Swatton <[address removed]> wrote:
Richard Huang from Riviera Partners is amazing!  He used to work as an engineer.  He definitely understands the needs of engineers :). 

On Jul 5, 2013, at 9:31, Chris Farkas <[address removed]> wrote:


I highly recommend you check out Riviera Partners. They sponsor my Developing with Data Meetup, and I've worked with them. They work with the best companies in tech and they're really professional. I would recommend reaching out to Mike Tumasian or Richard Huang.


eAlchemy just launched a new website. Check us out at
Chris Farkas
CEO, eAlchemy
[address removed]

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