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What we’re about

This group is intended to create community for adults who want to share their thoughts and feelings about life challenges in a supportive and consciously aware small group setting. We explore the notion of 'Emotional Freedom' and introduce ideas about healing, mindfulness, and spirituality that can help us live more fulfilling lives.

The essential question is, "what does the idea of emotional freedom mean to you?"

“Emotional Overwhelm” can prevent us from effectively meeting challenges, accepting change and moving ahead. Thoughts about difficult situations and past events can trigger negative emotions that keep us stuck. EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (EFT), which is based on the emerging field of Energy Psychology, can quickly and effectively address any kind of negative emotion that keeps you from enjoying a greater life experience. In EFT, you learn to tap on specific body trigger points to correct the energy disruptions that cause unwanted emotions (like using psychological acupuncture). Come learn this easy and effective approach to self healing and together we’ll tap our way to more emotional freedom and well being.

The facilitator for these meetings is Steven Gottlieb, Certified Expert Level EFT Practitioner and Personal Empowerment Coach. Steven has helped hundreds of people to overcome obstacles to experiencing a healthier and more joyful life. He passionately shares his knowledge of cutting edge healing techniques and offers these from a heart centered approach. (Learn more about Steve at

Meetings have been held periodically at various locations in and around the lower Westchester County, NY area. Please contact us if you have suitable meeting place available and would like to host a meeting. However due to the effects that Covid19 has created on our ability to feel safe in gatherings, Meetups will be held online via ZOOM going forward unless otherwise noted.

Attendees are requested to be mindful at all times of their own personal emotional well being and the care and support of others in the group. If you have concerns about your own ability to remain emotionally and psychologically well in a group where deep life issues are being addressed we urge you to seek professional medical or psychological care. The group facilitators, while experienced healers and coaches, are not acting as licensed healthcare professionals and cannot be responsible for your personal care in a meetup group setting.

**IMPORTANT CAVEAT for Group EFT Program Offerings:

While EFT has been proven safe and effective for nearly anyone to use there remains a distinct possibility that you may experience difficult emotions and possible physiological disturbances when using EFT, or being in a group where you may be exposed to emotionally charged discussions. It is natural and normal to feel these disturbances. It is actually desirable when using EFT to feel these disturbances because the EFT protocol uses tapping to eliminate these as well as their underlying cause, which is how EFT consistently produces significant positive shifts for so many people.

However, if you are currently under professional care for any mental/emotional condition or otherwise experiencing intense disturbances, then group EFT work may not be in your best interest. You are advised to work individually with a qualified EFT coach and if necessary to consult with your mental health practitioner before using EFT.

Therefore, by attending any group EFT event you acknowledge and agree that you take full responsibility for your personal psychological and emotional well being. You also acknowledge your understanding that the group facilitators, while trained and experienced in these matters, are not in any position to provide complete relief for any unusual or unexpected disturbance you may experience. All risk is assumed by the participant and no assurance can be made that some form of psychological or emotional harm, no matter how slight or remote, is not possible.