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East London Art Club

Photo of Selma
Hosted By
Selma and Menka S.


At the East London Art Club, what we do is simple but powerful: we provide a friendly and welcoming space and materials for you to experiment with painting and drawing. Simple as that. A small and optional £3 donation is suggested to cover Meetup fees and materials. We are not an art class – there’s no particular ‘tuition’, though we do share ideas and techniques with each other. You don't need to have any experience, or even any idea what you're going to create. You just turn up and allow your natural creativity to flow - to naturally find your own style and direction. All in the supportive presence of others doing the same.

The class format includes:

  • creative practice time * quiet time for reflection

  • chatting while you work! * ‘sharing’ skills and insights

PLEASE NOTE: We only have 12 spaces - so no guests!

  1. You can RSVP to any of the events 5 days before the event (but not sooner).

  2. If you RSVP 'Yes' and later realise you can't come PLEASE CHANGE YOUR RSVP to a NO so that someone can come in your place.

  3. RSVPs close 5 hours before the event and those who haven't changed their RSVP by then and don't show up with be charged £3 (which goes towards Meetup fees and art materials) - to prevent no-shows!

Please be considerate, as PayPal does take a cut, so the full donation does not go to the Art Club, even though you can get a full refund - in fact, if lots of refunds are made, we will make a loss.
Volunteer facilitators are not paid for their precious time, and so please consider donating an additional £1 per question asked here, which will go towards Meetup fees and art supplies - particularly if making complicated requests.
Any suggestions of course welcomed!

If there are any particular materials you like to work with, please feel free to bring them along with you as you wish, although nothing is necessary.

The East London Art Club is offered at the Create Place, part of St. Margaret's House. The Create Place is a community space that promotes core values of wellbeing, personal empowerment and community spirit where both teachers and students benefit from an atmosphere free of judgement or competition. For more information please visit

There are plenty of places where you will be led through what to do, but this is not one of them. It is specifically designed as a space for inner creativity to flow - so that entails you are willing to be with yourself and listen inwardly. This is not for everyone - you will have to make that decision. Perhaps start by just getting some paint and letting the brush do what it wants - not in a reckless manner, but a bit like authentic movement where you allow your own body to express itself in a healthy way. It is not at all like being a puppet or giving up your own self-control; it is about overcoming conditioning, yet allowing your innate skills to express themselves. You will have to find your own way if you decide to give it a go - the choice is entirely yours. You are operating from what you feel inside, rather than thinking. It is an excellent way to still the mind and relax, without giving away your power to any external source. Thus, it can be very empowering, but to be in touch with your own strength perhaps takes guts. If you like the idea of having a space to create, consider: what does creating mean to you? Do you need to know before you begin, or can you let a process emerge, without self-judgement or restrictions, yet being considerate of others and aware of your surroundings? That is the point of the Art Club - so you are not just isolated, but working in a space with others, and possibly sharing insights without criticism. It is not about 'liking' or not liking something, but what it evokes in you - what message or feeling are you inspired by in someone else's piece of work, or even your own!

Photo of Sandpit Arts East London group
Sandpit Arts East London
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Create Place
29 Old Ford Rd, Bethnal Green · London, al