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NEW RULE: RSVPing for Classic Book Discussions limited to one month in advance

From: Anthony
Sent on: Sunday, April 1, 2012, 10:07 AM

Hi, everyone. :-)

In light of the RSVP issue with this week's Classic Book Discussion meeting, I have now decided to start a new rule with RSVPing: limiting it to one month in advance.

Basically, for Contemporary Book Discussions and Organizer's Pick Discussions, both of which are announced one month before the meeting, you can RSVP right away. However, for Classic Book Discussions that are announced four months in advance, I will no longer allow immediate RSVPing. Rather, I will announce such meetings with the restriction that RSVPing can begin one month before the meeting date. This way, everyone can read the book first, and once it's more clear who can and cannot attend, the former can RSVP in the month leading up to the meeting. Therefore, I would like to ask that everyone pay attention to the RSVP date as well as the meeting date for Classic Book Discussions. Hopefully, this will minimize any issues with numerous signups.

Thakn you. :-)

Anthony Lee
Organizer, East Bay Book Club

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