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What we’re about

Welcome to the hub for all things in Portland related to effective altruism and rationality aka PEAR!

Effective altruism is about using reason and evidence to do the most good we can with our limited resources.
In the rationality community, we aspire to improve our reasoning and decision making and address the biases that prevent us from holding true beliefs and accomplishing our goals.

Please feel free to come out, even if, like many of us, you feel awkward, feel that you're not the typical rationalist or effective altruist, are worried that people won't like you, are just curious, or have read this far, etc.

All events will be posted here on Meetup, on our public calendar, and sent out from our mailing list. You can also check out the previous events we've hosted, and keep the conversation going on our Discord. If you have any other questions, please message us anytime here on Meetup or at

More Info:
Check out PEAR's website here! Otherwise, for more information on rationality, here’s a brief explanation on LessWrong, or dive into some of the posts on Scott Alexander’s blog. For more information on effective altruism, visit

Community Health and Safety:
It is a priority to make our group a place that feels safe and welcoming for everyone who is interested in contributing to or learning from the Rationality or EA movement, and in particular, to be a place that is safe and welcoming for members of groups that are currently underrepresented in our community. We expect members to respect one another at all times, and will take action to prevent inappropriate behavior.

  1. If you'd like to give us feedback:
    Feedback Form:

  2. If you'd like to report a concern:
    Contact Organizer Team:
    Contact Sam:

  3. If you have any urgent concerns, but for any reason prefer not to reach out to the PEAR support team about them
    CEA Community Health Form:

Upcoming events (4+)

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