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What we’re about

“Home isn’t a place it is a person and we are finally home” - Stephanie Perkins

We are an open and friendly community in Ehime. This group is about meeting and making connections, and friendships with people having various cultural background. We love discovering, learning and sharing good experience.

We speak whatever languages attendees feel comfortable. Our common language is smile:)

Anyone is welcome - we are a diverse, safe, easy-going and respectful group. You are encouraged to bring family, friends and other acquaintances!!

If you come up with any ideas about future events, please contact an organizer, so we can plan for something fun together (^^)v

See you soon at one of our smiley meetups!! <br>


国籍やジェネレーション、職業、性別問わず、職場の人や家族とは絶対できないよね、、という話も気軽にできるようなカジュアルでフレンドリー、心地よいサードプレイスにしていきたいです (^^)v 
