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Time Changes!!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, November 24, 2014, 12:13 AM

Hello everyone!

Just a quick note to let you know that there has been some changes for various of our up coming events.

The Yule Brunch is now a Yule Dinner - Witches formal!, so to accommodate members from both the North and South Side Chapters. Click HERE for more info.

Our dear members Amanda and Lilien are opening their home to us once more for a Low-Key Yule Hang-Out, please click HERE for more information, also note there will be a grab bag - Yule gifts exchange. 

Our dear member Clare has a Christmas party and Yule ritual at her house on the 27th of December, please click HERE to check out this event and to get information in how to RSVP

Our Full Moon and Waning Moon events with the topic "Pot luck" refer to a pot luck of discussion topics and NOT about any kind of food and  wine, we are not that big of party animals people!!

Last but not least, all of our meetings on the north side, have now change in time.

Our year two classes remain at 2:00pm
Our year one classes are now at 3:00pm
Our meditation and ritual begin at 5:00pm

This changes are being made to better serve you in our new location for the north side at the O.T.O. Lodge Space
7013 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 

As you know our 2015 calendar is ready and will be soon made available to everyone on the meet up site, please stay tuned.

Any questions, please fell free to call me at[masked]

Laura Gonzalez