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New classes start this Sunday

From: Marty C.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 11:06 AM

Don't forget a new round of classes begin This Sunday at 3:00 at Alchemy Arts

How did Wicca end up in the us? What are it's origins? Where is it headed in the future? Join us as we explore these and other topics in our Year 1 Wicca Class: The History of Wicca in the USA.

• What does a peninsula in Greece 2600 years ago have to do with Wicca Today? 

• Where did the concepts of Air, Fire, Wanter and Earth come from? 

• Who were the key players back then? 

• Who are they now? 

• How does knowing our history help us with our present work? 

Directly after the formal class, for those who wish to participate we will be having a dedication ceremony.

All classes are held directly before our public rituals so you will have the change of putting what you learned to use in a practical way.

Class fees are only $10.00 per class and must be paid at the time you RSVP. For what it costs to buy StarBucks for 2 days you could learn something new about your religion and support Center of the Elemental Spirit at the same time. No one is ever paid to teach classes. All proceeds go to benefit Center of the Elemental Spirit. (Please note: On occasion we may bring in an outside speaker, author or teacher and they may receive a fee for there time. Regular classes to not pay a fee to the instructor).

Classes are taught by Marty Couch. With 29 years in Wicca, Marty has practiced both in Coven settings and as a solitary practitioner. An ordained Minister, he has performed Handfastings (Weddings), Wiccanings (Naming ceremonies) and crossing over rituals (funerals) as well as countless spells for himself and others. His goal is to make each person there own "High Priest" or "High Priestess". He hopes you will join him on this journey.


We are not a coven. The coven structure of classes and degrees does not work for what Center of the Elemental Spirit is about. That being said, we have modified and in some cases intensified the class structure.

As we are in no way accredited we are able to structure classes based on a college type format without adhering to state and federal requirements of accredited classes. So, what does all this mean?

Upon completing year one you will be awarded a Bachelor of Specialized Science and Art in Wicca (BSSA Wicca)

Upon completing year two you will be awarded a Masters of Specialized Science and Art in Wicca (MSSA Wicca) as well as ordination as clergy in Center of the Elemental Spirit.

Upon completing year three AND completion of a thesis paper you will be awarded a Doctorate of Specialized Science and Art in Wicca (DSSA Wicca) and Elevation to High Priest or High Priestess.

To the right is the three year class outline. Each year has 24 classes and a two week break prior to the next class starting.

To Register for classes go to


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