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Essential Wholeness

From: Adam S.
Sent on: Friday, August 28, 2015, 10:55 AM

Hello Friend,

One of the primary teachings of Tolle and A Course in Miracles is that essentially You are Whole.  There's nothing lacking in you.  You are enough.

Both Eckhart Tolle and A Course in Miracles talk about EGO as being that aspect of our experience that would say otherwise.

Having spiritual friends who understand this dynamic can be immensely helpful in affirming the truth of our essential worthiness, our wholeness, our no lack nature.

Hopefully you can join us for our meditation picnic next month!  Thank you to the 30 or so of who have RSVP'd already.  If you haven't yet you can do so here.

Also, next month will mark the beginning of Miracle Mondays at Unity of Bellevue. This isn't a typical meetup but the beginning of an ongoing event that should be a lot of fun.  Click Here for more info.




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