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Accessibility for All

From: Catherine
Sent on: Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 10:43 PM

Dear parents

On Saturday 20th October 2012, Paris (like 18 other cities) will be taking part in the National Accessibility Day. This day of group action helps businesses become aware of the benefits of accessibility, and helps persons with reduced mobility learn which businesses are accessible and welcoming (via

Although the primary cause is for persons with reduced mobility, J'accede is also keen to involve parents, who may well have experienced the difficulty of negotiating Paris with a small person in tow.  If you've ever complained about accessibility, this is your chance to make a difference...

This year, it's the turn of the 3rd arrondissement.  Here's the programme:

13h : arrival

14h: Welcome and training of participants about the principal criteria for accessibility.

15h: researching accessible businesses in the 3rd - going from street to street.

17h: entering the data gathered onto

18h: closing gathering (accompanied by an apero)

For the event to succeed, and to benefit people with reduced mobility, J'accede need your help! Your friends, neighbours, family and colleagues are welcome. Don't hesitate to sign up and to forward the details.

Don't forget to sign up as well on

I've just got back from a trip to Oslo, where you see pushchairs (and not just umbrella strollers!) and wheelchairs all over town.  Paris has a long way to go...and this is a first step.



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