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What we’re about

San Francisco Bay Area Evaluators (SFBAE) is for anyone working in or interested in program evaluation or applied research in the Bay Area. All are welcome to join: program evaluators, consulting professionals, applied researchers, nonprofit administrators, and anyone new to or interested in these professional areas.

We are a local affiliate of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) -- your friendly, local community of people who know and love evaluation to keep you connected to the field, even if you aren't an AEA member.

As a member, you will:

  • Be part of a community of practice. We meet online once a month for 90 minutes. The community acts as a “living curriculum” (Lave & Wenger). Share your knowledge with others, collaborate and communicate with the community, and take part in collective learning.
  • Build relationships with other people who are working in or interested in evaluation and applied research. We have in-person squad socials once a quarter, where we start with structured networking activities and end with informal time to socialize (with food and drinks, of course!).
  • Connect in-person at conferences. We organize informal social gatherings at conferences that our members attend, such as the AEA conference.
  • Discover new tools and resources. We maintain a collective idea and resource library, populated by our community of practice and conferences that members attend.
  • Engage in professional development activities. We provide training, demonstrations, workshops, and practice sessions
  • Stay connected with AEA and other AEA affiliates, even if you aren't a member. We share AEA and affiliate updates and events (with discounts whenever possible!), so you can stay on top of current trends and opportunities.
  • Always have a place to ask questions and get support. Use our discussion board and events to tap into the camaraderie, experience, and wisdom of the community as you go about your work.

Take advantage of our 2-week free trial to check out our group and events before becoming a full member.

Become a member to build your local evaluation community, have a place where someone always "gets" your data frustrations, learn about new and interesting trends, and share your cheesy evaluation jokes!

Our current schedule of events and activities is here.