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New Meetup: Piano evening with Claudia Hölbing and Christian Strauß

From: Nicola B.
Sent on: Monday, November 8, 2010, 4:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Expats in Mainz!

What: Piano evening with Claudia H?lbing and Christian Strau?

When: Sunday, November 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Peter-Cornelius-Konservatorium
Binger Strasse 18

The Peter-Cornelius-Konservatorium in Mainz is one of the few music schools that teaches both beginners and professionals under one roof. The first music school in Mainz was founded in 1882 by Paul Schumacher. It's home has been at Binger Strasse 18 since 2008. The school works closely with the music school of Dijon and offers free concerts at various times during the week.

Claudia H?lbing won together with Christian Strau? in Oslo, the first prize of the international Grieg Competition for piano duet, as well as the special prize for the Rachmaninoff-Interpretation.

Pieces by Mozart, Grieg, Rachmaninoff, Brahms and Lutoslawski.

The concert is free of charge.

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