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Ultimate Frisbee

From: A.J.
Sent on: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 9:37 PM
Happy New Year, Ultimate Players!

I'm looking forward to a break in the weather so we can get together for a fun game of Ultimate. As soon as it looks like it will be a decent Saturday (dry and in the 40s), I'll set up a game in Frick Park. This is a group for all of us, so I'd love to hear your ideas about places and times to play. Maybe someone knows of an ondoor venue (I thought about this today as I was watching my older son play indoor soccer).

We got off to a late start with this group in 2008 and never really had a chance to gain enough momentum to create a core of regular players and at least one regular weekly game. With an early start in 2009, we should be able to build this group to the point it can sustain itself without much external force.

Remember, the primary aim of this group is to gather for fun, friendly games, where everyone plays, regardless of experience or ability, and no one takes themselves too seriously (which is not to say we don't play hard and sweat, it's just that no one minds if a lot of us suck). Fun and exercise are the main things for us.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Best Regards
