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What we’re about

Face Time Networking has been actively working within the Phoenix area to help business owners and representatives gain more quality business referrals through traditional and innovative professional business networking groups.  Many of our members have been networking with us for over a decade.  We implement all sorts of training from actual Law of Attraction techniques, communication lessons, best practices of our networking partners, and special guest speakers from a vast collective database including our founder, Kenneth von Hopf, among the top connected people in the world.  If you have experienced business networking groups that left you unfulfilled or even turned off, you should look into what we do.  We are innovative and "non traditional".  Our culture is warm, caring, fun, yet professional.  We practice what we refer to as the 6 R's of networking.

Relationships - Our foundation.  If you don't like someone, or if they push your buttons, you are less likely to refer to them or even want to be around them.  We have ZERO members who cause you to say to yourself, "Please, don't sit next to me, please please please."  Our membership carefully selects the interested professionals who they want to work with.  Because of this, we experience a greater degree of connection.

Responsibility - Responsibility to your networking partners and their referrals.  Basically, just be a good person and do the right thing at all times.  Be proactive in your referrals.  Be responsive to your networking partners.  Give Give Give advice, help, insight, whatever is needed and allow referrals to be showered upon you.

Resources -  Be the "go to" person for anything anyone needs.  This gives you the opportunity to be highly thought of by your peers and the person they rely upon to get things done.  Maintaining a high quality database allows you to interact more often with people looking for resources and people offering resources, then you act as the connector, sometimes known as the thumb.  The thumb is the only finger that can easily connect with all the other fingers.  Think about it...

Referrals - We pass referrals differently than other organizations which makes a lot more sense and results in a lot more closed business deals.  Give the responsibility of making the phone call to the person who stands to make the money.  Giving something more to do to a person who is in need just puts more on their plate and causes an unconscious block to initiating the call for the thing that ultimately will cause them to spend money.  Allow the person who will make the money to make the phone call.  They are more likely and have a vested interest.

Results - What happened with that referral?  Did it result in business?  Did the number get lost?  Did you leave a dozen messages with no return call?  Was it the perfect referral?  Basically what happened?  This lets the two parties understand the outcome of the referral.  If everything went great, great.  If there was a problem, allow the initial referring party to help bridge the communication and close the deal.

Recognition - This allows the group to hear about what happened and how it went down.  Deep down, we all want to be told in public that we did well.  Call it ego, or just call it recognition like we do.  There is nothing wrong with telling a person they did great in public.  We never say things went wrong in public, but to praise in public builds relationships and appreciation.  Look at the names of donors on the buildings they bought for a cause.  Yes, we do realize that the highest form of praise is an intrinsic feeling of accomplishment and that is what we all strive for but what is the harm in open praise of a job well done?

Visit to see if there is a group near you.

In Gratitude & Appreciation!

Kenneth von Hopf, Founder
Face Time Networking, LLC

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