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Holiday Party!

From: Jerrod S.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 11:57 AM

Hello Fairfax Happy Hour Enthusiasts!

Can you believe that holidays are upon and the end of the year is just weeks away? It's been a great year for Fairfax Happy Hours for Young Adults! We're ending the this wonderful year on a great note with a Holiday party on Friday, December 20 at 6pm.

**If you haven't done so already, get your RSVPs in for the Holiday party by 5pm TODAY.**

Whether this is your first meetup, or 50th, we encourage you to come out and celebrate the holidays with your fellow Happy Hour Enthusiasts! We have worked out some exclusive specials with Champps (the host bar) and have a whole private area to ourselves! We are also holding an Ugly Sweater contest. The winner receives $15 on their tab at the end of the night.

Natalie and I are looking forward to celebrating the holidays with such a great group of people!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about the Holiday party or the meetup group.





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