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Member Appreciation Booze Cruise!

From: Jerrod S.
Sent on: Saturday, August 23, 2014, 2:19 PM

Hello Fairfax Happy Hour members!

I hope that everyone is enjoying the last few weeks before the unofficial end to summer. With Labor Day drawing near, it's time to get in one last hoorah at the beaches and pools before they all close down for the fall and winter. It sure makes me miss Florida, where the pools and beaches never close!

To help ease the pain a little, Natalie and I are inviting everyone to an awesome member appreciation event the first weekend of September. On Saturday, September 6, we are doing a night-time booze cruise down the Potomac River to take in the night lights of DC, dance, socialize, and maybe get a little crazy. To show you all our appreciation, Natalie and I are buying the first round of drinks! Check out the details of the meetup here: Booze Cruise - 1000 Members Celebration.

The Fairfax Happy Hours for Young Adults Meetup Group has grown tremendously over the last 9 months. Our meetup attendance is increasing, which also increases how awesome each meetup is! Natalie and I are honored to be organizers for such an awesome group of people and we absolutely love organizing these meetups for everyone. We're looking forward to an awesome end of the Summer and beginning of Fall! We've got lots in store, so keep an active eye on your e-mails and on the meetup page!


Jerrod and Natalie


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