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What we’re about

Over the years, the Minnesota Gay & Bi Dad's Support Group has addressed needs shared by gay and bi men who are fathers and are or were husbands to a woman.
Our support group provides men with a safe and protective place where they can openly discuss hopes, fears, and challenges related to their well-being and the well-being of their families.
The group's mission is to help gay and bi men who are fathers develop positive, supportive and rewarding relationships with other men who share similar backgrounds and experiences.
The group has two main venues:  1) a monthly support group meeting held generally on the fourth Saturday morning of the month; and 
2) various social activities.
The group is comprised of men who are fathers and are or have been married to a woman. We're a unique group of guys who've made life-impacting decisions and developed character along the ways.  Maybe we're just a bunch of characters!
Members are encouraged to post happy hours, bike rides, theater events, or other get-togethers that will offer the opportunity for socializing, networking, fun, and support.