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What we’re about

The purpose of the Female Founders/Women Entrepreneurs' Manifesting Desires Mastermind is to provide a supportive and empowering space for women entrepreneurs to come together, share their experiences, and harness the power of manifestation techniques to achieve their business and life goals.
This group is ideal for women who are:

  1. Entrepreneurs: Women who own their businesses or are aspiring entrepreneurs looking to launch their ventures.
  2. Passionate About Personal Growth: Those interested in personal development, mindset shifts, and harnessing the law of attraction to create positive change.
  3. Seeking Support and Inspiration: Women who want to connect with like-minded individuals, gain insights from others' experiences, and receive encouragement on their entrepreneurial journey.
  4. Ready to Manifest Success: Those eager to learn and apply manifestation principles and guided imagery to manifest their desires in both business and life.

"If you find yourself facing entrepreneurial challenges, and uncertainties, or simply crave the support needed to manifest your entrepreneurial dreams, our group is your catalyst for empowerment. We're equipped with a toolkit of potent tools and entrepreneurial mastermind principles, uniting the powerful energy of like-minded women to orchestrate astonishing breakthroughs in our entrepreneurial pursuits."

Meet Your Guide, Lisa Marie: Lisa Marie is no stranger to transformation. Her journey from being a working single mom, counting pennies for happy meals, to becoming a multimillionaire through the application of mastermind principles and personal and business development is truly remarkable. Many have rightfully called Lisa Marie a 'powerful manifester.' Her story serves as a testament to the belief that joy can be a daily experience for everyone, regardless of their starting point. Her remarkable transformation is an inspiration to us all."Coaching with Lisa Marie is also available. With years of wisdom and experience, she's helped others achieve their dreams and goals.
What Others Are Saying:

  • "Lisa Marie has been a powerful force in my life, providing clarity for my business and resulting in unimaginable growth and success." — [Testimonial 1]
  • "Lisa Marie helped me manifest my husband. Her mastermind groups tapped into power beyond our beliefs, and I now live the life I want and deserve." — [Testimonial 2]
  • "Working with Lisa Marie got me unstuck and retirement-ready. I now enjoy the adventure of living on a boat and traveling." — [Testimonial 3]

Join Us: Let's embark on this transformative journey together!"
Reach out to Lisa Marie at 512-744-8503 if you are interested in a more structured manifestation mastermind group or stuck and need laser coaching. Call Lisa Marie at 512-744-8503