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What we’re about

Note: Meetup is only one way we use to inform others about our events.  Number of attendees listed here is not reflective of total attendance. 

This is a structured, 8-week, peer-run support/self-help/education group for those with Social Anxiety Disorder or extreme shyness. We exist to help those with social anxiety to participate fully in their lives via a structured program. This is different from other meetups in that it is not a social group where you just show up and mingle. We have a facilitator and structured format which is based on therapeutic methods, and strategies that have worked for other people. We strive to be goal-focused and set goals based on fear hierarchies that are personalized to our values and goals in life.Since you must have SAD to join (this does not need to be formally diagnosed), everyone has similar challenges and will understand and not judge you. We meet weekly; the time and day of the week varies depending on location. This is an opportunity to practice socially anxious situations in a safe environment, in a no-pressure atmosphere. You don't need to do anything that makes you excessively anxious, and won't be forced to do anything. The idea is to progress gradually. Do not let your social anxiety keep you from coming to these meetings! We are here to help.

The first meeting is an introductory meeting and gives a broad but comprehensive overview of the next 8 weeks (so there are 9 weeks altogether). We will be using a workbook containing all the material and lots of supplemental information that you can receive electronically or a printed version. Your fee of $30 for the workshop ($15 workshop fee/$15 workbook materials) will be waived if you are also a member of one of our partners, NAMI or CSPNJ.

There is a registration process through our website at (

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

As stated above, this is a peer-run group. We are not licensed therapists or mental health professionals.

Please review our guidelines here:

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