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New Meetup: LFR IMPI1-2: Breaking Point

From: Bryan C.
Sent on: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 9:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Fort Collins RPG Connection!

What: LFR IMPI1-2: Breaking Point

When: Sunday, July 18,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Gryphon Games & Comics
2020 S College Ave Suite B
Fort Collins, CO 80525

When shopping for weapons the smith suddenly bursts into tears. Somebody captured his wife?s
soul and is using it to extort money and weapons from the poor smith. He has nothing more to
give, and unless you help him everything is lost. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Impiltur
for characters levels 4-7.

You must have a legal Living Forgotten Realms character of level 4-7.

This event will start at 10am promptly. If you rsvp yes and wont make it please change your rsvp asap so someone else can sign up. Thanks!

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