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Gryphon's New Location

From: Sherman
Sent on: Saturday, November 28, 2015, 7:20 PM

Hey all!

Just wanted to make sure that everyone knows what's going on with the Gryphon move and features of the new location.

First off, we'll be moved out of our current location Christmas Eve. The new location (1119 W Drake Rd) is open now with a full cafe! A small amount of retail is also on site, and more will be added slowly until we move everything at the end of next month.

Also, we have several game rooms now! While play space is similar to the old location, having separating walls means less noise and an environment that is way more enjoyable to play games in, particularly role-playing. We even have a dedicated room for our role-players, and it's possible to play even on a Friday night during the height of Magic, something that was unthinkable a month ago. It is possible to reserve space for your events with a prepaid deposit that can be used on anything the night of your game (food and drink, a new rulebook, whatever). If it's not otherwise reserved, you're more than welcome to come and set up however.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you in soon!

Sherman Sanders

Gryphon Games & Comics