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Maker Faire Activity/setup info

From: Mark S.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 4:08 PM
All Here are some pictures of the activity that I'm working on putting together.  I'm still tweaking the final design but the overall thought is that a participant gets one of these pieces, add LEDs, wires, copper tape or what not to make it blink/glow or just art-ify it and then add it to the big sculpture.

I'll try to bring a few pieces tonight to show but I'm double booked and I have a sick family so I may not be able to make it.

We have a wall space by some double doors so I'm thinking we can use the backdrop that I showed you (old hollow core doors) at the last meeting but we still need a sign!  The sculpture and activity table can take up the space after that and if we still want other activities like the rockets or hologram thing that would be fun too.

I'll also post the link for the sign up genius and email the list as well but I may not get to it today.

Hopefully I'll see y'all tonight.

Mark Schreiber

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