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What we’re about

It's About Experiencing the Supernatural First Hand

 The standard Psychic Medium will receive information from the other side, interpret it and then tell you what they receive. I am a different kind of Psychic Medium. In a psychic reading with me, YOU will receive the vision or message delivered directly to your mind. Is it mind blowing? You bet it is! 

How do I do this? I use a technique called Psychic Hypnosis. It's very similar to a powerful guided meditation where I take you to the required mental frequency to provide you first person psychic encounters. You say you can't or never tried Meditation before? Don't worry, that's where my hypnosis skills come into play. I will get you there successfully. It's a safe process and very relaxing. 

What are the things that you can experience in this type of Psychic experience?   Any combination of four things;

 You can see some of your Past lives.

 You can meet and interact with your Spirit Guide in person!

You can meet and interact with a deceased beloved one.

 Or most amazingly, you can experience what your Heaven is like! See it, feel it, see who else is there with you!