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New Meetup: Alan Brocious' Presentation: Is Social Media the new SEO?

From: Kevin B.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 8:04 AM
We're "shaking it up" a bit in January by take=ing a break from code presentations and delving into Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. Here's a presentation our non-techie members can dive into and is totally relevant to our web devs as well. We all want our beautiful websites we spent so much time on to be found and seen. This is advice for all of us!

Announcing a new Meetup for Frederick Web Technology Group!

What: Alan Brocious' Presentation: Is Social Media the new SEO?

When: January 12,[masked]:00 PM

50 Citizens Way Suite 402
Frederick, MD 21701

As social media and networking has become more mainstream will SEO tricks still be relevant? Providing targeted content that has value to your customers is key. It is not enough to be ranked, what happens after the customer is clicked on your site?

Al Brocious (CEO and Founder of New Age Lead Generation) has 20 years of sales, Internet development, and marketing for B2C and B2B. He developed the implementation of strategic marketing plans, as well as brand and product communications. He taught application development using Cold Fusion and ASP.NET at the Art Institute for 3 years. Having grown up in Harrisburg, and currently living and working in York, Adams, and Lancaster counties, Al understands the rewards of good, honest hard work.

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