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FW: Searching for host families for French Students this summer

From: Lisa E.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 2:43 PM
Bonjour encore - Aimee emailed me the message below and I thought I'd pass
it on.  Anytime you want to email everyone in our French in Fort Collins
Meetup you can email [address removed] (the email address you send it
from will show).  Merci,  Lisa


Hello Lisa,
 My name is Aimee Garrett, I live in Longmont. I am working with an
organization that is searching for volunteer host families for several high
school age students from France during the summer months. They will be here
for 2-5 weeks during June-August. I will be hosting a young girl as well, my
daughter studies French in her school and is very excited about being able
to practice her language with a native speaker. I was wondering if you would
be willing to help me contact some of the people in your group, who may be
interested in this type of program.
Thanks so much,
[address removed]


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