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Host family needed

From: Lisa E.
Sent on: Monday, August 3, 2009, 11:57 AM

Bonjour – occasionally I receive emails from people looking for host families so I’m passing this on in case anyone is interested.  If so, please contact Michelle directly:


I am contacting you to network and to see if you can help me

find a host family in the Ft.Collins High School district for a

student from Belgium, she is only here for the first semester. 


She is 17 and will be a senior.  She is a lovely girl who is

sociable and likes to keep busy. She enjoys horseback riding,

meeting up with friends, baking and reading. Marie has been

described as open-minded, friendly, mature and has a great

sense of humor. She hopes to study psychology in the future.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Michelle Greeott


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