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Thank you!

From: Paul C.
Sent on: Saturday, March 1, 2014, 11:08 AM

Thanks so much to everyone who came out and shared stories Thursday night. We had over a hundred people in the audience again!


The only bad part was that we had a bunch of names in the late tin that I didn’t get to call. It’s the second time in a row that’s happened and since I don’t want the show to go any longer I’m going to start asking everyone to keep their stories to under 8 minutes instead of 10.


I know it's to edit your work but I think it will make everyone’s stories even stronger and more importantly allow more people a chance to share.


I’m working on getting the audio recordings out to the folks who wanted copies. Luckily, the recorder held out and I got it all on tape (well, not tape. Something else. Something more complicated than tape I’m pretty sure.)


Also, I’m working on finding the right wording for next month’s theme which, according to the non-scientific vote we took at the end of the show, is some combination of Love Hurts and The Best Day of Your Life. My friend Kathy and I argued all the way back to Olympia about how I am always looking for disaster and she is always living a world of rose petals and fairy dust. By the time we reached Thurston county we agreed that I would try to be more positive and she would try to stop reminding me to be more positive. We'll see how that works. (I just did it again! It's not even noon and I'm already in cup-half-empty mode.)


Anyway, think back to a time when you fell in love. Was it good? Was it bad? Did the hurt lead to something better? That’s where we’re headed next month. I’ll find the proper way to describe it and get it posted in a day or two. Remember to keep it under 8 minutes so we can get as many people onstage as possible :)



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