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Call for Stories

From: Paul C.
Sent on: Monday, March 3, 2014, 8:30 PM

Our good friends at A Guide To Visitors are looking for storytellers for their April 22 show. This is a great bunch of people and a fantastic venue to play. I’ve told stories at AGTV many times and I'm always looking for a new story to bring them. If anyone has a story about facing the consequences send them an email. Details below:


(I try not to send you guys too many emails but AGTV has been great to us so I'm always happy to help them out any way I can.)


Call for stories: “You Reap What You Sow”


“You reap what you sow” is often the epilogue a so-called friend puts to one of those experiences where you’ve gotten in too deep, knowing, all along, that it could only end in disaster, but you just couldn’t help yourself. Sometimes these events leave a poignant sense of regret; sometimes, not so much.


AGTV is looking for true-life, first-person consequence stories for our show on April 22nd. We want your pitches for times when you’ve not only ignored the red flags, but gone roaring past them. Or perhaps you did a good turn for someone that came around to help you as well. Whatever the end result, we want to hear from you! Please send your pitches to [address removed] and one of our fabulous producers will get back to you.


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