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Looking for TABLE MODERATOR for our upcoming workshops.

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2013, 10:11 AM

Hi Friends! 

Our upcoming workshops on SEX were well received and attended last year.  They were very respectful, informative, humorous at times, educational and fun!  We had some great people working as the table moderators which made the workshops so great!

Again, we are looking for moderators who are comfortable talking to people on a variety of subjects.  You don't have to be an expert in any subject but you do have to be able to control and lead (moderate) the conversations.  Sort of like being the teacher during recess on the playground! LOL

So if you think YOU or someone you know would be a great moderator, please write to me and our team, myself, Carroll and Meg will make the decisions as to whom to select for our workshops.

Also, we will be posting the names of the moderators and you are welcome to contact them to sign up for their tables!  Last year, there were certain moderators that filled their tables with people that wanted to join them.  I won't be moderating a table because I am facilitating the workshops. 

I look forward to seeing all of you and hearing from you!  Don't be scared to volunteer!  It is fun!

[address removed]

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