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Re: [Front-End-Design] Grok Meetup? Whatchu talkin bout, Dan?

From: Nathan H.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 8:57 PM
The biggest problem I have is getting clients - the rest is easy :)

I'm mostly focused on the product biz these days, but I could see how this might be useful, as long as it doesn't become too meta.

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Dan Denney <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey Everyone,

I was going to schedule a freeform talk on the state of design and the Tampa Bay community. However, I stumbled across something that Matthew Smith and his cohorts ran in Greenville, SC. (Full details here:

It seems like an Ignite and a Round Table Discussion had a baby...
The general idea is that we get a bunch of you smart folks together in a room and go over practical issues in regards to web design and development. Someone brings up a topic and talks about it for 10/20 minutes and then there are breaks to discuss the items openly. 

Before I go all crazy...
I wanted to get some feedback before I seriously consider it. This would require more time and more space than usual, I'm thinking around 8 hours and enough room for us all to sit comfortably and discuss things. For those of us that actually work, it might need to be a Saturday instead of a weekday. I'm confident that I can score space if there is interest, though. (Well, I'm confident that Cherrie can.)

Uncle Dan Wants You...
On top of that, we would need people that want to share something. Now, this doesn't mean you have to be an expert on something. It might be that you are facing a problem in your work and you explain the walls that you're hitting, which leads to discussion. We will just need people that have something that they really want to discuss, that will also help others. Like, 15-20 of you.

Easy Tiger...
Or, I could just schedule a regular meetup. Thoughts? 


Thank you,


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