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What we’re about

We like to do adventures by bike. Whether that's big day rides in the mountains, a brewery tour in the city, road touring and crashing in hotels or gnarly singletrack and camping, we're into it!

This group hosts meet-n-greet events (pandemic permitting), day rides, and camping trips. We take the security and comfort of our members seriously.

For one day or multi-day FUN BIKE TRIPS check out


Boiler plate
Negative or adversarial comments, posts or actions will result in removal and banning of the offending party.
OVERNIGHT FUN BIKE or KAYAK TRIPS, We are Thinking of Florida, Gulf Coast and also Key West when it is cold up north, as well as NYC at Labor Day weekend when city is pretty empty, and a Door County week on Lake Michigan and also the 326 mile Ohio to Erie Trail to escape the summer heat here.
So if you want information on multi-day biking or kayaking events just sign up below to get first offerings.
We anticipate no more than 14 emails a year.
For Biking Trips Sign up at  >>
For Kayaking Trips Sign up at >>
Once you sign up please immediately check your email, if you don't see a follow-up confirm opt in check spam. We are using a double opt in and some folks with yahoo, gmail, hotmail, msn say they went into spam. Until you click second email you are not going to get newsletter. If it is in spam, just click NOT SPAM, then OPT IN.
Don't send instant messages through meetup to folks you haven't met. Propositions to meet outside of meetup events to a virtual stranger is creepy. Of course a relevant message to an event host regarding an upcoming meetup is different.
Thank you for that consideration.
Players there are plenty of other sites if you just want to hook up one on one, don't make folks feel unsafe here. If you have done a meetup with someone and want to send them a good to see/meet you followup to me that is totally different, but if they do not reply or aren't interested don't be a "meetup creep". Of course it's great if folks "meetup" and some magic develops. So please remember while it is fun to "meetup", this group is not "" or "". Not everyone here is single or seeking a romance.
Remember if you receive an unsolicited message or suspicious or inappropriate behavior, please report it to Paul S, it is grounds for dismissal of violating party. They probably are spamming others here and in other groups.
By joining this group, RSVPing to events, and attending events, you are confirming that you have read, understand, accept and are legally bound by the following:
1. Fun Florida Outdoor Adventures is a meetup group. Attending events or trips is voluntary by you as a member. Participation in any activity with us by you is at your own risk. You assume the risk for any guest you bring, adult or minor.
2. By joining Fun Florida Outdoor Adventures as a member you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the group, it's organizers, co-organizers, assistant organizers, event hosts, other members and guests from all claims or liability of every type (including court costs and legal fees) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member. This agreement applies to you and to other persons who may accompany you in these endeavors, adult or minor.
3. You also agree to hold the organizers as well as other group members harmless. By participating voluntarily in the group, you expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member and their guests in the group, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizers, co-organizers, assistant organizers, and event hosts.
4. Any social events or trips that our meetup sponsors, holds or provides information about will fall also under the same Disclaimer and Liability guidelines listed above.
5. Re kayaking, follow the rules and regulations for all motorized and non-motorized watercraft. While kayakers do not have to follow all of the same rules as motorized vessels, some of the rules and regulations do apply.
Life Jackets-Every child in your kayak under the age of 6 must wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device (PFD) while the kayak is moving. For everyone over the age of 6, there must be an approved PFD available inside the kayak unless the kayak is being used within a "swimming, surfing, or bathing area." While those over the age of 6 are not required to wear their life jackets, it's good practice to keep your life jacket on and securely fastened while you are on the water.
Sound Device-Kayakers are required to carry a sound-making device that can be heard for at least one-half nautical mile when the kayak is in use. A whistle or horn are the most commonly used sound devices. The sound device is required in the event that you need to alert other boaters of your presence in order to avoid a collision. The sound device can also be used to signal for help should you find yourself in trouble and require assistance. To signal distress, blow hard into your whistle three times in a row. Most kayakers will attach a whistle to their life jacket where it is easily accessible. 
Lights-When kayaking between sunset and sunrise, or during periods of reduced visibility such as fog or rain, kayakers are required to carry a white light onboard their kayak. The kayaker is to display the light if another vessel approaches, to avoid a possible collision. Most kayakers use a flashlight or lantern as their light. Take note that the light should not be continually displayed, but shown only when other vessels are approaching. 
Registration-Kayaks do not have to be registered in the state of Florida unless they have a motor.
Law Enforcement-According to state law, law enforcement officers have the authority to stop you while you are kayaking to check and make sure you are complying with all safety laws. Law enforcement officers also have the authority to order the removal or relocation of your kayak if it is deemed a hazard to public safety or is found to be interfering with the navigation of other vessels.

General Safety-In addition to following all of the kayaking safety rules and regulations, it's important to follow general safety tips, too.
• Let someone know where you will be kayaking.
• Check your kayak for leaks or points of weakness before entering the water.
• Whenever possible, kayak with a buddy.
• Be aware of obstructions in the water that could trap your boat and throw you out of it.
• Be aware of other boats and know that motorized watercraft may not see you.
• Wear appropriate clothing, including sun protection. 
• Pay attention to the weather and do not go out on the water if hazardous conditions are expected.
6. No hate zone. Please avoid any hateful comments, profanity, political ranting or rhetoric. We will ban rabble rousers. Let's keep this a friendly positive place. 
Do you have some fun ideas for events?

If you want to be an event host so you may post an outing just let Paul S know. The cool thing about hosting is you pick, the what, where and when of things that you want to do!  The more variety of event types, venues and hosts the better.
Any interest in multi day trips?

Some thoughts, for people in the colder months in the northern part of the U.S. bike or kayak tours to Florida; St Petersburg, Clearwater Beach, Tampa, Rainbow Springs, Key West and more. For people in the southern part of the U.S. in the hotter summer months arrange bike tours to Door County Wisconsin, Cleveland and Cincinnati Ohio using the Ohio Erie Trail network, and to NYC perhaps over Labor Day Weekend.

If you want information on multi-day biking or kayaking events just sign up below to get first offerings. We anticipate no more than 14 emails a year.

For FUN BIKE TRIPS Sign up at  >>

For FUN KAYAK TRIPS Sign up at >>

Once you sign up please immediately check your email, if you don't see a follow-up confirm opt in check spam. We are using a double opt in and some folks with yahoo, gmail, hotmail, msn say they went into spam. Until you click second email you are not going to get newsletter. If it is in spam, just click NOT SPAM, then OPT IN.

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