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What we’re about

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GDG Cloud Oslo, Norway is a non-profit community of cloud developers – both for newcomers and veterans.
We strive to have one main event every month, and it could be one of the following:
1. Presentation
We invite speakers to present on cutting-edge tech research that affects developers. The topics revolve around GCP or cloud in general, artificial intelligence, Big Data, server operations, and Internet of Things. It can be both longer talks (45-60 min) and lightning talks (15-20 min).
2. Workshop
At our hands-on workshops, you should bring your laptop. At the beginning, there will typically be a tutorial on different aspects of the topic at hand. Subsequently, you can implement what you just learned on your laptop and ask the organising team any questions if you run into problems.
3. Hackathon
An event where you will get a chance to dive deeper into a specific topic or the area of interest.
Hope to see you in person at one of the events!
Please feel free to get in touch if you have an interesting topic you would like to present, or if you know someone who might be interested in presenting. We would like to hear from you!