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What we’re about

I love playing and teaching board games and and I also love cultivating authentic friendships. I think they go hand in hand.

If you are interested in creating a caring community who gather to play board games as a way of socializing and building friendship, join our Meetup and tell your friends. I live near Benjamin Mays High School and we'll host games at our house until we grow too big.

I have a collection of over 250 games, many of which are "modern" games. Games have moved far past the days of Monopoly and Scrabble to thing like Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. Don't worry, I have games for all interests and experience levels, from beginners to seriously experienced, from 2 players to 10 or more.

The important thing is an interest in meeting people while engaging in something fun. If you are curious, drop me a line and I can provide more information.

Upcoming events (4+)

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