What we’re about
Join North Central Florida's BAAD'est and BEST motorcycle riding group!
What is all the hype about? It's hard to explain without first being a part of other riding groups. You see, Gator Motorcycle Riders is all about the ride. Getting there is more than half the fun, so we make an extra effort to find fun motorcycling roads to get to our chosen destination. If you would rather "just get there", do yourself a favor and do not join this group. We like to ride, period.
A few words from some of our members:
"The Gator Riders are a group of unique individuals with one thing grand in common. They want to ride motorcycles as often as they can any where they can. Drama is not invited at any rides. The group's ride leaders, lead the group safely. The rides are well planned out. And most importantly we never leave anybody behind. Everyone is always welcomed." ~M.R.
“Been riding with this group for a few months met a lot of wonderful people and have participated in some awesome rides Go Gator Riders ” ~R.S.
“This is a great bunch of people. Everyone is warm and friendly. I recommend taking the introduction to group riding as it's essential to new riders. This group has no fee, no drama, and a whole lot of respect and concern for one another. By far the best group I've found to ride with! ” ~M.S.
“By far the best group I have had the pleasure of knowing, low key, laid back, and best of all 'Shut up and ride!' For those who have never been part of one or think the 'club or gang' thing is not for them, then you have come to the right place, a group of riders, yes, I said 'riders', not bar hoppers riding to next bar, no gang colors or patching, these are people who truly love to ride their bikes and enjoy the freedom of the open road. I am glad to be a part of this." ~A.H.
So, if your passion is riding, then sign up, show up, fuel up, and "Shut Up and Ride!!!"
We also put on the LARGEST Bike Night in Gainesville. Come visit us at various venues the 1st Wednesday of every month from 6:00-9:00 p.m. for fun, food, prizes, and giveaways galore. To find out more, visit www.BikeNightGainesville.com.
Gator Riders is based in Gainesville, but our members are from all of North Central Florida. We meet up in Gainesville for rides throughout Florida (and sometimes even farther). Some of our rides have a destination; some of our rides are the destination. We enjoy scenic paced, relaxed paced, and brisk paced rides consisting of ½ day, full day, and weekend getaways (we especially like weekend getaways). Our membership includes riders from Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palatka, Daytona, DeBary, Ocala, Williston, High Springs, and Bell.
We are a group of friends who want to ride for the fun of riding, not bar hopping or shoe shopping. We ride safe, stay together, and welcome all motorcyclists and motorcycles.
Gator Riders is NOT a motorcycle "club". There is no "initiation" or member sponsorship requirement. We are an extremely inclusive group that welcomes your participation with this and other riding groups, and some of our rides are with other like-minded riding groups.
To become a member is completely FREE. There are no dues or hidden fees. We are sponsor and affiliate supported.
We ask that you ride safe, respect your fellow riders, have a valid driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement, and enjoy the company of others.
We also ask that you remain active with the group; this means that you should attend a ride/event at least once every few months.
In 2016 we planned multiple trips including Key West, Suches, GA, Birmingham, AL, and rode the entire Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway (for the 2nd time), along with multiple weekend camping trips.
For 2017, we have rides planned to New Orleans, Daytona Bike Week Campout, two trips to the mountains of Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, and to top it off, we will ride through a full eclipse of the sun!
Introduction to Group Riding:
We offer Gainesville's original Introduction to Group Riding Ride, a ride "lesson" that helps riders learn the ropes of riding in a group environment. Early on, we found the need for many riders to have a better understanding of group riding techniques and etiquette, so we founded this idea of having an interactive discussion followed by an actual group ride (about 60 miles), stopping along the way to discuss the experience and ask questions. Our program is so successful that leaders from other riding groups have attended and are now offering similar classes to their members. We are proud to have started this movement in North Central Florida. The more experienced everyone is, the safer and more fun you will have riding together. We offer this ride every two months.
We also offer an Introduction to Motorcycle Camping, where we show you what to bring, and what not to bring, how to pack your bike safely, how to ride with your bike loaded full of gear, and how to have memorable, not miserable camping trip with your motorcycle. This is usually offered every spring and fall.
Check us out... Join Up! You'll be glad you did. But don't take my word for it, see what our family of Gator Riders have to say about this group.
Gator Riders in the news:
Check out the August 2013 write up of Gator Riders in GOFAR - Go For A Ride Magazine.
Watch some of our ride videos here
Legal Disclaimer: As a condition of your voluntary participation in group rides, you hereby release and discharge "Gator Motorcycle Riders" and its Organizers from any and all claims, demands, damages, or liabilities arising from injury to your persons or property.